
IIK Members in 2023 Annual Conference

Our Membership

Umbrella for Insurance Professionals in Kenya.

Join the thousands of people who are already enjoying their benefits 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


Our Membership

Professional Recognition
The first and foremost benefit of membership is the professional recognition being a member of the Institute. Membership of IIK is recognized by your colleagues and clients, current or future employers and the community at large as evidence that you aren’t just “in Insurance”, but that you’re a genuine Insurance professional. Being a member of a professional body carries a degree of respectability when applying for jobs or presenting credentials to potential clients.
The institute is the only body in Kenya mandated to issue Insurance professional certification to Insurance professionals i.e. (AIIK & FIIK). Professional certification shows employers and clients that you are committed to your profession and are well-trained. It gives them confidence in your abilities.
Leadership Opportunities
Associate (AIIK) and Fellow (FIIK) members are eligible to serve the institute in any of its committees including the Executive Council and enjoy all the rights and privileges of membership i.e. voting rights.
Adherence to a code of conduct
The IIK Code is intended to enhance best business practice and ensure that insurance professionals exercise sound corporate governance. The Code defines the minimum acceptable standards of conduct and ethical behavior for the members of the Insurance Institute of Kenya and sets benchmark by which the conduct of insurance professionals may be assessed. It endeavors to promote good relations between IIK members, employers and all other stakeholders.
Joining the voice of the Insurance Profession
IIK is the voice of the Insurance profession and takes independent and credible positions on matters of concern to the profession.
Exclusive online resources
Through the IIK website, you members get access to a variety of resources to enhance their career progression in the insurance industry.
Offers members a chance to update their knowledge of business and Insurance and acquire new skills through professional networking dinners, professional forums, IIK Quiz, break-out sessions at conferences, etc
Free publications
Members receive free copies of the IIK Journal
Members get an opportunity to network during various IIK events eg. Annual conference, golf tournament, networking dinners etc. This is an opportunity for you to mix and mingle with others in your field in both professional and leisure settings.
Ongoing Professional Development
Being a professional is more than just knowing your stuff at one point in time, it’s about keeping up, and that’s especially important in our industry. Those who join the Institute commit to a program of continued professional development, and IIK continues to make available growth and educational opportunities to help our members continue to keep up with the play, and continue to develop themselves as professionals – no matter how experienced they are.
Mentoring Opportunities
The Institute will be running a nationwide Mentoring Program for members. Mentoring is a key part of being a professional, and our professional members have the opportunity to both mentor and are mentored. Mentoring is relatively inexpensive, and extremely rewarding and integral to both career and professional development.
Participation in Industry-changing Activities
Institute members “give back” to the profession in a number of extremely rewarding ways, including participating in different IIK Committees and other activities aimed at transforming the Insurance sector, and providing opportunities for those just entering our exciting and engaging profession.